Helpful Advice to Consider When Moving

Moving can be a stressful process. There are a million things that you need to think of and a thousand more that you need to do.

In between working, managing the kids, and keeping your sanity, it is not as easy as one might think.

The key to a successful move is to be organized and to start in advance. You are not going to help your stress levels if you start packing two days before you need to leave.

Here are 5 tips to consider when moving. 

#1 - Declutter

The best thing you can do for yourself is to declutter. As soon as you know you are going to move, even if it is a month away, start decluttering.

People often move with junk they don't need only to pile it in some random drawer in their new place. This is no way to start your new adventure!

When decluttering, think about what you haven't used in the past few months. If it doesn't serve a purpose, throw it out. If it has sentimental value, find a way to make it part of your home or put it in storage until you're ready to use it. 

#2 - Organize supplies before moving

Don't run around the week of your big move trying to find boxes and pens. As soon as you've decluttered your home, start collecting supplies.

Big boxes are a must and you can find these at your local grocery store, usually for free.

Buy tape in bulk because you're going to need a lot of it. Scissors, bubble wrap, newspapers, and stickers for fragile items should also be on your list. You can make use of different coloured markers if it's easier for you. Just make sure it is visible when you write on the boxes. 

#3 - Design a moving record-keeping system

Lists are the best way to ensure that you remember everything. A record-keeping system will save you lots of time and you won't lose track of what you still need to do.

Write down all the items that go into a box and where it needs to go once you've reached the house.

If there are things that you prefer not to put in the moving truck, you can also include the name of the person transporting those items. This way you know who is where and where exactly your belongings are. 

#4 - Give everyone a job to do

Before you reach your new home, you need to give everyone involved a job to do. This includes children, spouses, and family members or friends helping.

One person can be in charge of ticking the boxes off the list as they arrive. Another person can ensure that the boxes are in the right locations as they get dropped off. You can give the kids something smaller to do like handling their own boxes and putting them in their own rooms.

You also need to tell the family that they have to pack a small box of essentials for the first night or two in the new house. 

#5 - Before, during, and after the big move

You need to make things easier for yourself when moving.

If your children are too young, ask someone to babysit on the day of the move. You don't want to worry about them getting hurt or getting lost.

Ask your friends to help to prepare lunch. You are not going to have time to feed everybody.

Unpack as soon as the last boxes are in. Don't procrastinate!

But the most important tip is to enjoy it. It is exciting moving into a new home and starting a new adventure. 

30 Aug 2021
Author ImmoAfrica.net
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