Basic Things to Consider Before Going Off the Grid

More and more homeowners are trying to live off the grid in order not to be dependent anymore on the municipality for water and electricity.

Understandably so, you might still be on the fence about it: after all, it is not only a risky ordeal whether it will all work out practically, but it is a huge investment that you are making as well.

Naturally, you are wary of taking the plunge. Even though it looks very appealing from the outside, there are a lot of (basic) things that you may want to think about before you start buying solar panels and drilling boreholes in your yard:

#1 - Finding the right spot

This might seem like the obvious thing to think about, but not many homeowners consider the practical implication of space.

A normal suburban home will more than likely not allow you to live off the grid.

You need to remember that you are going to be generating your own electricity and water, which means that there has to be enough space to store the equipment needed.

Plus, if you are planning on living far away from the city or the suburbs, you need to then make sure that you are close to medical centres, schools, and shops for everyday necessities. 

#2 - Generating your own power

If you are still relying on your municipality to connect your home with electricity then you are not living off the grid.

Let's be honest: it requires a lot of effort, research, and capital before you can install a self-sufficient power system and claim that you are living off the grid.

The factor of space plays a huge part in what type of power generating system you will use. You can't install a windmill in the middle of a city, so solar panels would perhaps work better.

Be mindful of these choices and do enough research before making your final decision. 

#3 - Creating your own water source

The next thing that you are going to have to do is create your own water source. This can be a very costly venture, so you must budget and look at all costs involved.

You can use large water tanks to catch rain and then reuse it in your home. The only problem with this option is that it won't work well if you live in a dry area. You can also install filtration systems that filter water from nearby rivers or streams... if you have a river or a stream close to your home, that is. 

#4 - Feeding yourself

Some people go completely off the grid and become completely self-reliant in terms of food sourcing.

You need to decide how far you will go when you decide to live off the grid. For many, this means farming or growing your own vegetables in the garden.

You could invest in livestock if you have enough capital but bear in mind, that this will not supply food overnight. It is a lengthy process. Most vegetables take a few weeks before they are ripe enough to eat so you might still have to depend on the grocery store for some time. 

#5 - Transportation

As with food, you will have to decide how far you will go with an off-the-grid lifestyle. Are you willing to include transport as well?

You might be in a position where you can sell your car and ride a bike from point A to point B, which would definitely contribute to your new lifestyle and play a huge role in saving the environment

Let's keep in mind: going off the grid is not a matter of just unplugging and enjoying a new life. There are quite a lot of things that you need to consider and a lot of research you have to do before making the decision.

08 Feb 2021
Author ImmoAfrica.net
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