5 Ways to Enjoy Your Yard during the Holiday Season

After an incredibly long year, the holiday season is finally upon us where we can laze around all day and spend some time in the sun.

There is nothing quite like a South African summer and if you have a yard at home, it's the perfect time to enjoy it.

Many people are still hesitant to travel because of the COVID-19 pandemic, so a staycation seems like the best option.

There are many things that you can do outside to make the most out of the summer. Here are a number of ways to enjoy your yard during the holiday season:

#1. Sit around the fire pit

A fire pit is a great addition to any yard. There is nothing more captivating than looking into a fire whilst sipping on a delicious glass of wine.

Even though the South African holiday season is hot, a fire pit is still a good way for people to connect and reflect on the year.

It is a great activity for everyone after dinner has been served. And, of course, what better dessert is there than marshmallows roasted over the fire?

 #2 - Dress your containers up for the holiday season

The holiday season means Christmas and it is a good excuse to make everything festive. You can easily refresh your containers and make them look merrier.

You can take old bowls and revamp them by painting them red, green, and white. Place these near your front door with candy canes inside for an authentic Christmas feel.

You can also repaint your pot plants and plant miniature Christmas trees inside. Your garden will feel festive, friendly, and fun in no time!

#3 - Deck the halls during the holiday season

If you're going to refresh your containers and make them Christmas-themed, you might as well tackle the whole yard.

Nothing says Merry Christmas quite like fairy lights and huge neon Santa Clauses climbing over your roofright?

You won't find a shortage of Christmas decorations over December, so you can decorate your home with as many things as you like.

You can go completely elaborate and hang tinsel off of every tree in your yard, or you can keep it simple. A wreath or two on your front door already puts you in the Christmas spirit. Add a few lights to your windows and watch it transform into a wonderland. 

#4 - Have dinner outside

If you have an outdoor entertainment area, then the holiday season is the perfect excuse to use it.

Instead of sitting in front of the TV inside, have dinner outside. It is still light enough for you to enjoy the last few calls of the birds and the gorgeous colours of the sky.

If you don't have an entertainment area, no problem! Lay a blanket out on the grass and have a makeshift picnic with your family. This is an especially great way to cool off on those hot summer nights. 

#5 - Watch the birds

Bird-watching is a great way to connect with nature and to see who you share your garden with.

You might have been watching birds for a few seasons, so you can easily see which ones have returned.

If you've never done bird watching before, now is a great time to start. It's very simple: all you do is sit back and relax.

It is also an activity where you can involve the kids and teach them about the nature around you. 

There are many ways that you can enjoy your yard this summer. With these few ideas, boredom will stay at bay.

29 Nov 2021
Author ImmoAfrica.net
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